Sunday, June 1, 2008

A chilling effect on studying...

This week has been rocky.
On Sunday, June 01, my little brother Robbie was in a motorcycle accident. We heard about it a little bit after it happened, from some of Robbie's friends. It was really frustrating because I tried to call the highway patrol and ambulance district and couldn't find out any information.

When we got to the hospital, we found out that Robbie's back is broken and his spinal cord was completely severed at the 8th thoracic vertebrate. In non -medical terms, that means that probably will be paralyzed from about his belly button down. There are plenty of miracle cases out there where the spinal cord fuses itself back together and people are able to walk again, but medically there is not any way to fix the problem. In a few days, Robbie will have surgery to fuse his 6th through 10th vertebrate together with rods and screws. This surgery will make it so that he can sit up.

Everyone is taking this news pretty badly, but the guys seem to be the most affected by it - mostly my Dad and brothers. It's really important that everyone stays positive, especially when Robbie get's told about the injuries.

There were a lot of visitors today. Plenty of people that I don't even know - all that I do know is that they all love Robbie and are praying for him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My prayers and thoughts are with you!!!