Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Andy Talks With Me

Robbie talks! After over three weeks of near silence, it's great to hear his voice. Even if he is his old grouchy self. I'm pretty sure nothing about his personality has changed - I don't know if that's a good thing, we were hoping he come out of this a sweet, nice little boy.... Yeah right!

He's been in stepdown since Saturday evening. Stepdown kind of sucks because the nurses aren't very attentive. Apparently he is being moved to Rusk (the rehab center) tomorrow, although i'm not certain of that. They said they were going to move him today, and they lied. Maybe they're lying about tomorrow too!
I haven't been studying. I've been way too distracted by everything going on. I haven't been getting very good sleep as the 4th floor is not nearly as accommodating as the 3rd floor. The hospitality staff is kinda snooty on this floor also. They come in and steal our pillows and blankets anytime after about 5a.m. If you get to go to the bathroom at like 6am, when you come back, all of your stuff will be gone!! And if you know me at all, you know that i'm not intending to get up for the day at 6a.m.!
In response to the question about the "raffle" tickets, I'm pretty sure they are going to be available at a few places in town in the next week. I think everyone is still working on getting it set up. If not, i'll be sure and let everyone on here know how to get a hold of some. Seriously, who doesn't want to win a new truck! Especially, when you're chances are probably about 1/3000 or better! Even if you don't need a truck, you can always sell it and buy cool stuff! Everyone wants new stuff!!!!! And i think there are going to be a few other smaller prizes in addition to the truck.... Details to come...

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