Thursday, June 12, 2008

There's a tea stain on my moral character

Oh, I forgot to mention this but I started studying for the bar exam again. At some point I realized that I have to take the bar regardless b/c i can't get a refund, so I better at least make an effort to study a little.

I'm approximately 2 weeks behind at this point. So if i do 2 days worth of work everyday, I will be caught up by July 01. That's my goal - I can't go into the Fourth of July holiday behind schedule. The only problem is that I only get about 4 hours of studying done a day. At this rate, I'm not catching up at all, I'm just getting more and more behind. I'm taking suggestions for how to get caught up... or what things to skim or skip over. But i'm not leaving Robbie. The things I'm completely inflexible about are: 10am visits with Robbie, and 8:30pm to 11pm visiting time. The rest of the day can be worked around, I think.
In other news, Robbie has had pneumonia pretty bad, which doesn't help his breathing at all. On Thursday we had a strange visitor, a chaplain from the Christian Motorcyclists of America. He talked to my mom for a bit, and then went in to see Robbie with her and said a prayer. That was really nice of the CMA, I guess they just go around looking for motorcycle wreck victims... Weird job.
On Wednesday, I had some crappy luck. I broke my flip flop (not a fit flop, although i'd like to have some of those, if anyone's feeling like making donations to the Rachael get skinny club) while I was at the library. It wouldn't stay on my foot at all as I shuffled across MU's god awful large scary campus toward the vehicle. I'm pretty sure at least 12 people stared at me like I was homeless. I probably look homeless anyway, I haven't showered since who knows when, and I haven't done my hair for about 2 weeks! I look like a zombie! As i was walking out of the library with my broken shoe, I noticed a trail of something coming from my backpack. I had hidden an iced tea from McD's in my bad to get out of the library (since you're not supposed to have those kinds of cups in the library at all) and I guess it got smashed. Erica and I had to stop outside and empty out my big student backpack and clean everything. Thank God that my expensive BARBRI books didn't really get wet, but one of my notebooks was virtually ruined and the letter I have from the California Bar that says I have good moral character now has a giant tea stain on it. Great....

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