Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Robbie continues to have tons of visitors. Sometimes I wonder how many visitors I would have if i were in the I.C.U., but that's a stupid thing to think about. Robbie has a lot of good friends.

Because I'm kind of bored and don't want to study for the bar, and because we all want Robbie's room to look warm and inviting when he wakes up finally (and you're not allowed to have live things, like flowers), I finally decided against getting a pet cockroach on a leash (like ANTM) to keep him company. I'm sure the hospital would have LOVED my kind gesture. So i went to Walmart and bought some Crayola Brand markers (they work they best...) and a posterboard. Wendy helped me color a poster that says, "Robbie, We (heart) you!". There is plenty of space all over for his friends to write little notes and stuff. It's kind of like a gigantic card. I hung it up on his bulletin board.

Also, I had a bunch of "i am loved" pins/buttons in different languages and colors from Helzberg Diamonds when i went ring shopping with Jason and Erica.... or more accurately Jason, Mom, and I went ring shopping with Erica.... I had jokingly suggested putting them all over Robbie's face so that it might wake him up, but i don't think he would be very happy about me putting pins through his face. I would have pinned them on his gown - but he's been naked for days....

So i put the pins all over the poster. It's cute. I'm sure he'll think it's doofus-y when he wakes up, but I don't care. I love my Bubby!

**Disclaimer: Anything that embarrasses Robbie in this post should never be spoken of to his face, and I may call him Guy, Rob, Robbie, Bub, Bubby.... and it all means the same thing. Don't get confused!

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