Sunday, August 3, 2008

Not Feeling So Good Today

Sometimes this feels like a conversation between me and Andy, where i purposefully tell him about everyone's opinions but mine, just for added suspense. I'm not sure if that's a good thing. But i do know for a fact that there are people besides Andy who read this. (YAY! for me)!
Robbie - Robbie is no longer hospitalized. He is staying at his girlfriend Mandy's parent's house temporarily. He is supposed to be moving into his apartment this week. He finally called me today. I love that boy so much, but he really makes me upset sometimes. Earlier tonight I really just wanted to move as far away as possible from all of this and hopefully i wouldn't have to let it hurt me anymore. Robbie's phone call helped though.

In a random bout of self-analyzation, I think that I have a pattern of males in my life. They tend to be disappointed in some way or another. I love them to death. And no matter what I want to do i can't get away from them. Even with friends or quasi-friends, there are times where it would be better for me to just cut off relationships with a couple of people, and i just can't. I just keep coming back and letting them disappoint me over and over again.

And the person that disappoints me the most is the one I love the most - my dad. Great.

I tend to have an easier time expressing myself to females. Maybe it's a pattern I've learned though yelling, blaming, and generally being a jerkface to my Mom.....

Interesting thoughts, back to Robbie. The donation raffle is going well I guess. It's getting a little to close for comfort to time to pay for the truck and things, so I don't know. I really stay out of it for the most part, as it also makes me uncomfortable.

But if anyone is interested in buying a raffle ticket, the easiest thing to do is mail me some form of money ($10/each) at my house 21180 Hwy 7 South, Richland, MO 65556, and I'll send you the receipt back so you for your personal edification.

Moving: I'm still tentatively planning on moving after I attend the marvelous wedding of Ms. Amy Coskey on September 6. I'm trying to find a place to live right now. I am also trying to find a temporary job in Missouri so that I can pay my bills until I am able to move and find a job. I really want to move, but honestly, Robbie's not the only thing keeping me here.... and i think there's a chance i could regret this move for the rest of my life.

I've been listening to Secondhand Serenade's "Fall For You" on repeat all night. I think i'm a freak or something. But read the lyrics. They just seem to feel right tonight.


Danielle said...

You should be in Columbia because I miss you. Would you like to do something fun soon?

David Jensen said...

What's this about a raffle? How do you expect me to stalk your life via your blog if there isn't full disclosure? But thanks for the update so I'm more aware of what's going on in your life.